Memorial Medical Center Right here in the place we love. Medical Staff Coordinator Coordinates Medical Staff, Contact: and other provider activities Human Resources, Memorial Medical Center, that include credentialing and 1615 Maple Lane, privileging. Assists Medical Ashland WI 54806 Staff Officers, Committees and Administrators in the pursuit Website: Phone: 715-685-5520 Fax: 715-682-2368 of their responsibilities as defined in the Medical Staff Email: Bylaws and Rules/Regulations. EOE & AA Memorial Medical Center Right here in the place we love. Medical Staff Coordinator Coordinates Medical Staff, Contact: and other provider activities Human Resources, Memorial Medical Center, that include credentialing and 1615 Maple Lane, privileging. Assists Medical Ashland WI 54806 Staff Officers, Committees and Administrators in the pursuit Website: Phone: 715-685-5520 Fax: 715-682-2368 of their responsibilities as defined in the Medical Staff Email: Bylaws and Rules/Regulations. EOE & AA