STILL AVAILABLE-Hundreds of Dollars in GEO Rebates PLLIS 30% FEDERAL TAX CREDIT For Energy Star Quallfied GEOTHERMAL HEATING & COOLING SYSTEMS A geothermal heat pump system specific engineering requirements will lower your annual home heat- But what you save on energy costs ing energy use by 70% to 75% IF also scales upward proportionately it is properly designed & installed y a reputable qualified contractor. ATTEND OUR FREE SEMINAR Save 70% on Home Heating with ou might have already heard about someone's problem" geo- thermal system that has just not Presented by: Mark Sakry, CGD lived up to its contractor's claims, or won't even heat the right Geothermal That Works Right! Gooseberry Falls Room 1 or 2 house right.THU0405:30P/ FRI 04/0s 1200P & 3301P Northern GroundSource has fixed SAT 04/06 200P & 6:00P/SUN 04/07 12:00P a lot of these troubled installations over the years & proven: Geo' wil The only energy you ever actuall work as promised, saving you 70% have to use with GEO is the one- or more on home heating energy if third it takes to run a compressor, a it's properly installed to start with. couple small pumps and a blower The other two-thirds comes FREE ANNUAL ENERGY USE COMPARISO ON from the ground...FOREVER! Vith generous utility rebates and new 30% Tax Credit, system pay- back can now be achieved in justa few years. Especially if you have to 70% FREE FROM GROUND CONVENTIONAL HEATING buy new (or replacement) heating hermal gs Conventional HentingTofind out how you indtes enes This is what a comparison of ann To find out how you might turn your home heating is supposed tó look like.own property into an endless energy and cooling equipment any resource for home heating & cooling Since 2001, Northern GroundSource visit us at Booth S-7 in the Arena. We'lI has installed and/or successfully help you explore your options (and ROlJ)! red hundreds of geothermal N ORTHERN systems throughout the Northland. GE0 System Cost & Payback.... It is actually not too far off to say a GroundSource Inc. BRIMSON/DULUTH/ SUPERiOr neothermal system costs as much s sUPERIOR a car. System installation costs n costs as much as 66-308-2869 vary widely...and scale up or down with building size, site geology and Toll Free: 8 IGSHPA 13429-201/ MN 20385314/WI 854032