Evergreen Knoll has assisted living apartments available. Residents at Evergreen Knoll enjoy their privacy and independence while living in their own apartments. At the same time, having access to services such as help with medications, meals, activities, and a rich social life! Starting the conversation EVERGREEN SENIOR LIVING When to talk to mom and dad about senior living.... Do not wait for an emergency to start talking with your loved ones about senior living. Take the time now and make your choice together. Evergreen can help. Call today for your personal tour 218-878-3302 Visit our website at www.evergreencloquet.org Evergreen Knoll has assisted living apartments available. Residents at Evergreen Knoll enjoy their privacy and independence while living in their own apartments. At the same time, having access to services such as help with medications, meals, activities, and a rich social life! Starting the conversation EVERGREEN SENIOR LIVING When to talk to mom and dad about senior living.... Do not wait for an emergency to start talking with your loved ones about senior living. Take the time now and make your choice together. Evergreen can help. Call today for your personal tour 218-878-3302 Visit our website at www.evergreencloquet.org