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  • Published Date

    June 30, 2018
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CLIP&SAVE-_- JULY 2018 DULUTH HUSKIES PROMOTIONS 2, Monday -6:35 pm Vs Rodhester Honkers bery Wondoy Matters& Rore Cas at the Wade. Every Monday Maters, the Duluth Huskies and the Sakation Amry ase teaming up onxe agoin to help the less fortunate. Flo ebring non penshable food items orpesonalh gene itens ndre esea derfraS4GAt tPLUS dso Roce Cars at the Wade! Plodor and Gondlk Low (Superior) Speedwoy will hove Roce Cas in Wade Plazo see the cas up dose and meet the driers! July 3, Tuesday - 6:35 pm Vs Rochester Honkers (End Ft hf) Duluth Huoskes Team Poster Nigh Sponsored by 'S Pint Group July 4, Wednesday-3:05 pm Vs St. Cloud Rox Militory Apprecation Day&Bak ot the Purk Salute our miltory heroes, active, resenve, and retred mitary with proper ID will eceive FREE admission &their farmily wil receive 50% off re en d box orgen o sont dets! PLUS ngyre have pusto egne on ole hod howl for the Huskies! Sponsored by A Ploce for fido. July 9, Monday 6:35 pm Vs St. Cloud Rax Every Monday Matters&Roce Cas at the Wode Every Monday Motters the Doluth Huskies and the Savation Amy are teaming up once again to help the less ortunate. Please brignon-pershoble food items or persondl hygiene iems and receieooudher for o S4 GAfidket. PLUS it's aso Roce Cors at the Wade! Prodor and Gondik law (Supeior) Speedwoy will hove Roce Gars in Wade Piz! Come see the cors up cdose and meet the driers! Joly 10, Tvesday-6.35 pm Vs la Crosse loggers Riboticr iht.R land wil be in oftendance ond perfom ughut the July 11, Wednesday - 6:35 pm Vs La Crosse loggers Bak at the urk. Bring your well behoved pups to the game on a leash and howl for the Huskies! Sponsored by A Ploce for Fido July 13, Friday - 6:35 pm Vs St. Cloud Rox Whole Foods Co-op July 14, Saturdary6:35 pm Vs Bismarcdk Larks Superior Day Fons with o Wisonsn D wil geto Cenerad[ dmission icket for $5 July 15, Sunday 3:05 pm Vs Bismarc Larks Books&Basebol.Chilren 8 and undes wilreceive a FREE ook spornoed by Midhos the Chh'sMasem, The West Duuth Ameicon legin Post 71 Auiliny the Sons of the Ameican Legion, the Duluth Pubic Ltbrory and the Library Foundation Kids willgo out on the field before the gome and the Huskies ployers wil read the books to the kids. Also, f kids sign up for o reading program with the libar, hey wil ece e a l 973 gh c d Plus,it's Su dyFo y Fundy! Putose tidet podo ge that iddes 4ernd admission tidkets 4 hot dogs 4 baxes of popcom, and 4 small sodos. July 19, Thursday-6:35 pm Vs Bismarck Larks Horley Dovidson Sports Center Night July 20, Friday -6:35 pm Vs Bismarck Larks Boy, Cub & Gil Scout Night. Our annudl Scout night is attended by groups thoughout the Northland Joly 26, Thursday-6:3 pm Vs Waterloo Budks Joey Bonadonna Bobbleheod giveowoy Sporsored by St Luke's July 27, Friday 6:35 pm Vs Waterloo Bucks Monarch Healthore Manogement Day! Monadh Heathcore Monagement will be in aterdance with a giveoway at the door. July 28, Saturday- 6:35 pm Vs Waterloo Bucks Wine,Women&Boseall Representatives from Barefoot Wine willbe in attendance and women of dinking oge sample free wine from 5:35 pm until the 3ad inning! July 29, Sunday 3:05 pm Vs Waterloo Bucks lake Superior Loo right. Duluth loo wil have the Lo mobile in left field! Life 973 will also be in atendance with o booth and barner. PLUS, t's Sunday Fomily Funday! Purchase a ticket pokgethat indudes 4 general admisson sidkets 4 hot dogs 4 boves of popcon, and 4 sml sodas July 30, Monday 6:35 pm Vs Rochester Honkers Every Monday Matters&Roce Cars at the Wade. Every Monday Matters the Duluth Huskes and the Salation Army are tearmning up once ogain to help the less fortunate. Pleasebing n-peroblefod tems or pesond hygiene items and receie o vodher for o S4 GA ndet. PRoxCat he Wodel Puctor and Gdk ( Speedway wil hove Rove as in Woade Plao! Come see the cas up dose and meet the drivers July 31, Tuesday- 6:35 pm Vs Rochester Honkers Cod Tyger Pederson Boblehead giveawoy Sponscred