SURRENDER EVENT Surrender Unwanted Pets Instead of ReleasingHabitattitude Them PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT RELEASE FISH AND AQUATCc OCT 6, 2018 ANIMAL ALLIES Saturday | 10AM to 2PM 400 Airport Rd, Duluth, MIN Unwanted pets? Give your fish, aquatic plants and reptiles a healthy home. World of Fish and Animal Allies in partnership with Minnesota Sea Grant invite you to a surrender event. Sea liant animal allies Wo Minnesota Minnesoto Sea Grant's mission is to facilitate interaction among the public and scientists to enhande communities, the enwironment and economves olong Loke Supenior ond Minnesoto's inlond woters by ideniyng information needs, fostering research, and communicoting results, Minnesoto Sea Gront is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Sea Grant Progrom, For more information go to or coll 218-726-8106