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    July 10, 2018
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15 th ANNIVERSARY JULY 1-19, 2018 ROSSINI'S VEDA ZUPONCIC Artistic Director NORTHERNLIGHTS GAVRIEL HEINE Music Director music festival Sung in Italian with English supertitles oOPENING NIGHT! The Barbe JULY 13, 7:00 PM Veda Zuponcic Auditorium Mesabi East, Aurora JULY 15, 3:00 PM Chisholm High School JULY 16, 7:00 PM Washington Auditorium, Ely TICKETS: $40 Adults $15 Students (under 18) Conducted by Gavriel Heine Directed by Francis X Kuhn Set Design by Bart Healy PRE-CONCERT LECTURE with Bill Bastian 90 minutes before each performance CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS New Venue! JULY 12, 7:00 PM Buhl Public Library FREE ADMISSION JULY 14, 7:00 PM B'nai Abraham Synagogue, Virginia JULY 18, 7:00 PM Vermilion Community College, Ely Tickets: $10 Adults, $5 Students (under 18) CLOSING CONCERT JULY 19, 7:00 PM Mesabi East, Aurora FREE ADMISSION Ice Cream Social after performance Sponsored by Northern State Bank of Aurora For further information & tickets, call 218-780-2292 or visit NORTHERNLIGHTSMUSIC.ORG TICKETS ALSO AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE: Bradach Lumber (Aurora), Kess Gallery (Ely), Schmitt's Music (Virginia), and Valentini's Supper Club (Chisholm) MURSS Power TART Donald AROWHEADhis activity is made possible in part by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council, thanks to appropriations from the Minnesota State Legislature's general arts and cultural heritage funds. O AA TIOO UOAIDGARDNER REG ARTS couNCIL exPLORe MINNesOTA TRUST MINNESOTA // Bankbert o +E