There is a place for everyone here at CrossFit Duluth regardless of age, gender or fitness level. Everything we do at CrossFit Duluth can be modified for you. Our coaches are dedicated to helping you Be BETTER! We are here to help you reach your goals & are with you every step of the way.
We believe the key to your success on your fitness journey is first, to have FUN! Surprise yourself with what you can do by trying new things. “Work” hard every time you are here and gain a new understanding of perseverance. Be part of a friendly, motivating and supportive group of people that you will soon consider family.
Have FUN! -this is key to your fitness journey & your success.
Perseverance-we ask that you give it your all every time you are here.
Inspire Others-Be the inspiration in someone’s life.
Willing to try new things-You’d be surprised at what you can do!
Be a part of something-We are FAMILY here, we celebrate everyone’s successes!
Friendly Environment-Motivating & Supportive.
It Changed our Lives!
Myself and my wife Cory started CrossFit Duluth to change lives the way CrossFit changed our lives. It gave us more energy, helped us to lose weight & become stronger, as well as have a healthy thing for us to do together.
We love having the opportunity to work with clients and see them do things they never thought were possible.