South Shore School District Port Wing, WI The South Shore School District has the following vacancies in the 2018-19 school year Part-time Business Education Teacher - .625 FTE Phy Ed/Health -Full-time QUALIFICATIONS: Appropriate Wisconsin DPl certification and skills, etc. required BENEFITS: Dental, Health, Life, Retirement, & Vision Insurance benefits available HOW TO APPLY: Please send a letter of application, resume', credentials, three letters of reference, and certification to: Clendon Gustafson, Superintendent, South Shore School District, P O Box 40, Port Wing, WI 54865 or email to: For additional information please call 715-774-3500 ext. 610. Applications accepted until July 25, 2018 The South Shore Board of Education retains the right to reject any or all applications, based upon the best interests of the District. The School District of South Shore is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 001756151r1