CONTROLYOUR LIFE. YOUR POWER. AUTOMATIC HOME STANDBY GENERATORS IT'S ONE OF THE BEST INVESTMENTS I'VE EVER MADE IN THIS HOUSE. - David Panzarella 7) Receive up to $500' off a generator installation by mentioning this ad. Expires: 5/15/2020 GENERAC Guardian Series GENERAC Midwest 218-216-0400 ELECTRIC AND GENERATOR, INC CONTROLYOUR LIFE. YOUR POWER. AUTOMATIC HOME STANDBY GENERATORS IT'S ONE OF THE BEST INVESTMENTS I'VE EVER MADE IN THIS HOUSE. - David Panzarella 7) Receive up to $500' off a generator installation by mentioning this ad. Expires: 5/15/2020 GENERAC Guardian Series GENERAC Midwest 218-216-0400 ELECTRIC AND GENERATOR, INC