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    August 31, 2021
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LEGAL NOTICE If you were subject to the Evacuation Order resulting from the Superior Refinery esplosion and fire on April 26, 2018, you may be eligible to receive S150 in a class action settlement A udral oart atd a N. a mda A de Crper Pan Maky LTD nd Sperier Ring uc.Ce Na. ee. The tie pln ary of pne rig tes bee ted in de ca What h ar kand fee dhe Sper ry in Sper y evte oniler w iel by te kl prme OApel 2 2 Wi the comity smding te Relinerry Pa e ken e Clas Repeeine wte perw afled by the an ender ehing the apkoen and fire, daim te haky od Cpentioes Limited and Superer Refining Compay LLC eiety "Teesda wee negligin ter eperion of te Sperr Ruteery n Apil nd dal t adogly mpee coiy enhen kar the eacatin. Defendant mn hey have dne thing wreng ty preided an mpten te iy menbe regh te vury Retu Pogram The Coun ha decided whe i rgewng lanad Maintifnd efes havegd een d feter g Whe is cted a Clan Mnber i Onder ef Agril . 2 wk mpemn r d f aduling pe ry da y egle What don the wtkmt pred Delendam huve apreol ttaishaS1.0 mil ndto pay Cla Menben'slaim e cest d wh a SO d Cla Reptates amir pamot per d Puit, Whar emI gt Ify Cl Mener whu tity s Avid claim dima, t cond S00 per bouchld. e SC Roinbum gra made rome ye or on yer behul we deduod fm ny a ty der this Poe hjost pible n tne pa r rard depeling eter ef timely d ali ci ed A w inod pe tu p toamasimm of per claimam wh an ut far an aty paid t the Reinueme hogreni eeed S per hehelM Clin Maniel a alaee Fd fer payeof nd niave ont, und enice pymeta to e Clas Repetives. An be deend n re hesis ie elams enonde the nal ani ininge Fund ter pyof ndeviee payme the Clan Representative. Ifhe a any a in the Fand after all peymen, pto S7e wil he paid Superier ugln Coy faily YMCA iy digdby the Con y re SI per ofee d Delesdts are abe spvod e Cle Coel eded s manable y f and epees seprdapt t the S10f ilis Funt Povid , e ded wia e tel ifh mmainin the Funl aer ervior , tioe nd sinin p Clen Menten, adng pntal in nda pay Saperi Duglm Coy Family YMCA He de daint meivea ch peyment wwsperierkelierysetienent.oom - drenkada C Fum m s ce ND Leal Aati, PO B , Seante, WA Hiit enal A Clin For m betel e patedy Neer . we Supere Relry Selenet Whar a y eher epi IfymaCla Menber, youhuve theoption e do nting, chude yet rohje D Noth If yoa de noting ye will et a puymnt and you wia ge Delendant the clms elenel by the setlement Eade t y ude yourto ynett un the Cl oivea peym Yi wil kop yout ghee or i d y de Eimt Amini and po ey Nenter Oha Ifydetede yr hee, y mey C what you doe's abo te let Cjem be Slod Cort ECF e deered e Clekf the Ct by mil mpe perl dlivery by NevemberA. f de ab yoer ptnd de yneorjet www.SperiRefierysete What happm The Coun wil hedainl Appeoval learing Devonber 2, 01, l0am, de Lnited Ste Dend Coun Westm terit ef Waeoin Counthoe, 120 Nerh Ily St Ro e Coun will oder whether e Ma. ere hjotm, the Crm will coider tem prir the Fial Apnal aring The le fim ef Z Rd nd wil al k the Cut to d nomey's feen nd espenen in atition the S milion Fanl Cs Counel wil aer y ti th the Ct may have Your yer mey y a ye den't have A Malin, Wini 13 A the Final Appvl earng pve te enieud wnice anand LP i Clam Cel e Fl Ap inga y Ho l getmere trmat slaling mpees e e ed www.SaperiRefinylemem or conta Ad a y wing Seperier eND Legal A PO , e, WA W, mailing inlperieenentementm aling 137-102 Nener Cla lefinery Setlene PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THE COURT ABOUT THIS NOTKE www.Saperier ryemt 1-R . LEGAL NOTICE If you were subject to the Evacuation Order resulting from the Superior Refinery esplosion and fire on April 26, 2018, you may be eligible to receive S150 in a class action settlement A udral oart atd a N. a mda A de Crper Pan Maky LTD nd Sperier Ring uc.Ce Na. ee. The tie pln ary of pne rig tes bee ted in de ca What h ar kand fee dhe Sper ry in Sper y evte oniler w iel by te kl prme OApel 2 2 Wi the comity smding te Relinerry Pa e ken e Clas Repeeine wte perw afled by the an ender ehing the apkoen and fire, daim te haky od Cpentioes Limited and Superer Refining Compay LLC eiety "Teesda wee negligin ter eperion of te Sperr Ruteery n Apil nd dal t adogly mpee coiy enhen kar the eacatin. Defendant mn hey have dne thing wreng ty preided an mpten te iy menbe regh te vury Retu Pogram The Coun ha decided whe i rgewng lanad Maintifnd efes havegd een d feter g Whe is cted a Clan Mnber i Onder ef Agril . 2 wk mpemn r d f aduling pe ry da y egle What don the wtkmt pred Delendam huve apreol ttaishaS1.0 mil ndto pay Cla Menben'slaim e cest d wh a SO d Cla Reptates amir pamot per d Puit, Whar emI gt Ify Cl Mener whu tity s Avid claim dima, t cond S00 per bouchld. e SC Roinbum gra made rome ye or on yer behul we deduod fm ny a ty der this Poe hjost pible n tne pa r rard depeling eter ef timely d ali ci ed A w inod pe tu p toamasimm of per claimam wh an ut far an aty paid t the Reinueme hogreni eeed S per hehelM Clin Maniel a alaee Fd fer payeof nd niave ont, und enice pymeta to e Clas Repetives. An be deend n re hesis ie elams enonde the nal ani ininge Fund ter pyof ndeviee payme the Clan Representative. Ifhe a any a in the Fand after all peymen, pto S7e wil he paid Superier ugln Coy faily YMCA iy digdby the Con y re SI per ofee d Delesdts are abe spvod e Cle Coel eded s manable y f and epees seprdapt t the S10f ilis Funt Povid , e ded wia e tel ifh mmainin the Funl aer ervior , tioe nd sinin p Clen Menten, adng pntal in nda pay Saperi Duglm Coy Family YMCA He de daint meivea ch peyment wwsperierkelierysetienent.oom - drenkada C Fum m s ce ND Leal Aati, PO B , Seante, WA Hiit enal A Clin For m betel e patedy Neer . we Supere Relry Selenet Whar a y eher epi IfymaCla Menber, youhuve theoption e do nting, chude yet rohje D Noth If yoa de noting ye will et a puymnt and you wia ge Delendant the clms elenel by the setlement Eade t y ude yourto ynett un the Cl oivea peym Yi wil kop yout ghee or i d y de Eimt Amini and po ey Nenter Oha Ifydetede yr hee, y mey C what you doe's abo te let Cjem be Slod Cort ECF e deered e Clekf the Ct by mil mpe perl dlivery by NevemberA. f de ab yoer ptnd de yneorjet www.SperiRefierysete What happm The Coun wil hedainl Appeoval learing Devonber 2, 01, l0am, de Lnited Ste Dend Coun Westm terit ef Waeoin Counthoe, 120 Nerh Ily St Ro e Coun will oder whether e Ma. ere hjotm, the Crm will coider tem prir the Fial Apnal aring The le fim ef Z Rd nd wil al k the Cut to d nomey's feen nd espenen in atition the S milion Fanl Cs Counel wil aer y ti th the Ct may have Your yer mey y a ye den't have A Malin, Wini 13 A the Final Appvl earng pve te enieud wnice anand LP i Clam Cel e Fl Ap inga y Ho l getmere trmat slaling mpees e e ed www.SaperiRefinylemem or conta Ad a y wing Seperier eND Legal A PO , e, WA W, mailing inlperieenentementm aling 137-102 Nener Cla lefinery Setlene PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THE COURT ABOUT THIS NOTKE www.Saperier ryemt 1-R .