LOUISE'S PLACE 19 Waterfront Dr, Two Harbors, MN 55616 (218) 834-2176 BREAKFAST LUNCHDAIL SPECIALS Delicious fresh home baked bread sweet treats, ice cream and speciality organic coffees. Mon - Sat, 8am to 5pm Open Sn, 11am to 3pm sta rting Jvly to mid-Oct www.louisesplacetwoharborsmn.com LOUISE'S PLACE 19 Waterfront Dr, Two Harbors, MN 55616 (218) 834-2176 BREAKFAST LUNCHDAIL SPECIALS Delicious fresh home baked bread sweet treats, ice cream and speciality organic coffees. Mon - Sat, 8am to 5pm Open Sn, 11am to 3pm sta rting Jvly to mid-Oct www.louisesplacetwoharborsmn.com