SUNDAY OPEN HOUSES 12:00-2:00 12:00-1:30 5502 Wahl Rd-Lakewood 5 Bdrm3 Bath3 Car Attached (heated and 3 bdm/2 bath/2 car garage. Aceage 10 insulated) Garage This orgeous home ooded acres View it with Fairchild Real features Pella Pro windows, In-floor heat, Estate Group-Culley 218-343-384or Chris wood fireplace, granite counters, knotty Alder 218-348-4848 cabinets and so much more! Don't miss this one! See it with Tiffany Nelson 218-269-6379 S429,900 615 Lakewood Rd-Rural Duluth S254900 12:00-2:00 1:00-2:00 5942 N Pike Lake Rd-Pike Lake S589,900 929 W9th St-Observation Hill S319,900 bdm/3 bath4 car garage. Waterfront move Outstanding views! Stop by and check out in ready on Pike Lake! View it with Fairchild this lovely 3 bedroom home at the top of the Real Estate Group-Culley 218-343-38 with incredible views of the lake and harbor. Big private yard, Quiet treet. Master bedroom has its own bath and deck Come see Chris 218-348-4848 it today! Leah Borgren 218-310-9616 2:15-4:15 5014 Heritage Dr-Rural Duluth $399,900 3727 North Ridge Rd-Lakeside S1,154,000 3 bdm 4 bath2 car garage Acreage! 5 acres bdrm3 bath/2 car garage Million Dollar Close to the City. View it with Fairchild Real Lake Superior Views in this Top Quality Home Estate Group-Culley 218-343-384 or Chns View it with Fairchald Real Esate Group- 218-348-4848 Culley 218-343-3841 or Chris 218-348-4848. RE/MAX Results t218-722-2810 2520 Maple Grove Rd. Duluth 55811 MLS Each office independently owned &operated. Licensed in MN.