SUNDAY OPEN HOUSES ll: 1:00 727 North Ridge R Read -Lakeside $420000 218-548-188 Frocnan 218-33-048 1112:30 6151 Lakewaed Rd. Raral Dekt 12:00-1:1 06Hutchinson Rd. Pieont $214990 12:30-230 6.93 Duncan Rd. . Sadus 69500 Redoe Priced to 3Bdm4B&2 at .oaspex Acel Sd.gi5,000 , GondLake Townshipynt eech of Did Michael Holl VenshCulh ac 218-343-384 190-2:00 1:30-245 Enjoy the park-e sg fom your deck Seller is dooes to the badky and Main Boor 12 bah Go 100-2:00 942 Pie Lake Read-Pake Lake Redaced & Ready so Self 574.00 30-3:30 NEW LISTINGSE,900 MXE LAKE WAEAFRONT-Neer Home REMAX Results e nd218-722-2810 2520 Maple Grove Rd., Duluth 56811 Each offce independenty owned &operated