29TH ANNUAL SINCLAIR LEWIS riters Conlerence Saturday, October 6, 2018 First Lutheran Church, Sauk Centre PRESENTERS: Elisa Korenne - Character Development Andy Cummings -Book Publishing Betty Jean Steinshouer KEYNOTE SPEAKER: WILL WEAVER Willa Cather Chautauqua -Style Presenter Cost is $75, including lunch, breaks and a reception at the Palmer House Hotel College students and senior citizens may register for $70, high school students free, but must register and pay $20 for lunch and breaks. Registration 8:30am; Sessions: 9:30am, 10:45am and 2pm; Panel Discussion: 3:15pm; Keynote speaker Will Weaver 12:45 p.m.j Reception at Palmer House Hotel 4:30 p.m To register make checks payable to "Sinclair Lewis Writers' Conference," and mail to: Jim Umhoefer 39336 Wild Rose Court, Sauk Centre, MN 56378 For conference details, go to www.sinclairlewiswritersconference.org or call Jim Umhoefer at 320-429-0825