33RD ANNUAL SINCLAIR LEWIS WRITERS' CONFERENCE SATURDAY, OCT. 7, 2023 SAUK CENTRE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM MARCIE RENDON Keynote Speaker Thomas R. Smith A Year of Writing Dangerously PRESENTERS: Julie Pfitzinger Telling Your Story: The First Keystroke to the Final Product Danny Klecko How to Find an Audience for Your Poems Cost is $85: includes lunch, breaks, and reception at the Palmer House Hotel College students and senior citizens may register for $80; high school students free, but must register and pay $25 for lunch and breaks. To register make checks payable to "Sinclair Lewis Writers' Conference," and mail to: Jim Umhoefer, 39336 Wild Rose Court, Sauk Centre, MN 56378 NOTE: The Sinclair Lewis Writers' Conference is also available as a virtual event: $55 For conference details, go to www.sinclairlewiswritersconference.org or call Jim Umhoefer at 320-429-0825 33RD ANNUAL SINCLAIR LEWIS WRITERS ' CONFERENCE SATURDAY , OCT . 7 , 2023 SAUK CENTRE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM MARCIE RENDON Keynote Speaker Thomas R. Smith A Year of Writing Dangerously PRESENTERS : Julie Pfitzinger Telling Your Story : The First Keystroke to the Final Product Danny Klecko How to Find an Audience for Your Poems Cost is $ 85 : includes lunch , breaks , and reception at the Palmer House Hotel College students and senior citizens may register for $ 80 ; high school students free , but must register and pay $ 25 for lunch and breaks . To register make checks payable to " Sinclair Lewis Writers ' Conference , " and mail to : Jim Umhoefer , 39336 Wild Rose Court , Sauk Centre , MN 56378 NOTE : The Sinclair Lewis Writers ' Conference is also available as a virtual event : $ 55 For conference details , go to www.sinclairlewiswritersconference.org or call Jim Umhoefer at 320-429-0825