FREE WILLS and LIVING TRUSTS WORKSHOPI Minnesota law firm reveals the 6 costly mistakes families make in their estate plans! Will your family be one of those casualties? Attend this workshop and immediately discover how you may avoid mistakes in these kev areas Tuesday, March 12, at 5 PM Thursday, March 14, at 10 AM 1. PROBATE COSTS AND DELAYS: How you may avold potential delays et 9 months to 1 year or more How you may eliminate or minimice substantial eourt,atterneys and eveeators' fees DVORCE: low you lnay prisene your children.. inheritance ifthey dhoree. . . up to 30% od your assets could walk out the door with your e n-law 3. REMARRIAGE: How you may prevent your assets from going to a Mranger instead of your childen if yeur spouse gets remarried after your death 4. ESTATE TAXES: How you may eliminale or minimiae state and ederal estate taxes. 5. RETIREMENT PLANS: How you may choose the right optioas to preserve your IHA or 401k). How you may lake advantage of opportunities to minimize income taxes for our beneliciaries . INCAPACITY: Make your final wishes known with a Bealts Care Nreetive. How you may avoid a publicy ho- nillating and expensive guardianship proeeeding if you become legally Incapacitated or disahled. RESERVE YOUR SEAT TODAY by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota. Location: 425 W Superior St. STE 1060 Duluth MN 55802 Al workshop attendees will receive o FREE one-hout privato consueation to s0e how a proper estate plan will benett you and your samily ($300 value) Seating Is Limited, So Call Now! 218-529-9199 boon helping stote plonning needs for amos clionts with Yvonte Michaud Nowak 202 W Superior St. ipa n he M Suite 303 Duluth MN 5580 Acon Acodemy of Estoe Paning AfTonoys